~~~Awkward moment of the day~~~

~~~That awkward moment when you find emo people/rockers/metalheads and even if they are people like you, you're too anti-social to talk to them.~~~

*this post is changed daily; everyday will appear something new*

sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2015

vineri, 6 februarie 2015

~Not a poem, but still true

We're still smiling, but inside we're dying
We're still standing here, but inside we're feeling weird
It hurts so much, we can't tell
Our soul to the devil we won't sell
It's like tomorrow is never coming
Drowning in the darkness feels like forever
We're fallen angels and we want to go home

~There's always a way

Hey, everyone.
               If you're broken and you feel empety, there wll always be a saviour whom voice you'll hear in your headphones. And also, there's nothing wrong falling in love with someone who is in a band, lives in a different country and that maybe you'll never get to meet in your life. But there's a simple connection that anyone can make to their saviour and that's music.

It's your choice...

I think everyone has a dark side...
Your dark side can be an enemy...
Or a friend...
It can control you or...
You can use it to become stronger...

miercuri, 4 februarie 2015

~Creeps are awesome and we are the creeps

                We are different. We are stronger. We have better drawn conclusions about human being and this life. We've seen hell, because we can't reach heaven since we are fallen angels. We'll never be welcomed back up there. We have to live with hatred. We're in pain. No one can understand what is actually in our head.....what exactly is on our mind.... Some gave up, because we all know in the end we all die. Be good, be bad, stay healthy, smoke. See? No matter what you do the result is the same. All humans have death in common.

             We're all trapped in this nonsense game. There's no escape just to play it. The advantage is that no matter how a good player you are, you'll die sooner or later. Death is something we have to face. No one can run from it. You have to accept it. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing. Imagine that everything can change from today to tomorrow. What if you wake up tomorrow and everything's on fire? Live every moment like is the last one, don't care about anything and think that everything sooner or later will turn to even worse.

             But, until the end, we will have to go on, to live this hell we call life. We have to encounter the others who judge us, who want to tear us down. Yes, we are broken, alone and most people have a bad idea about what kind of creatures might us be. Always remember that originality always wins agains normality. What if normal people don't like us, or our visions about life and style creeps them out? If they still haven't met pain and true suffering, sooner or later they will. And they will understand how strong we are. That we are still going on. Screaming inside. Painfully living, quietly bleeding. The others may stay away from us, but that's only because they're afraid of people brave enough to express themselves.



To be different isn't something wrong...
If you're different you're unique...
Don't forget this...

marți, 3 februarie 2015

Keep going on...

Life isn't something you should be afraid of...
And being alone too...

~Seek and destroy

           ~That moment when you feel like you've had enough and you just want to show others how  suffering feels like, when you want revenge for everything, when you just gave up on everything even on yourself, when there's no god for you, is happening again and again. We have to make a change, we have to destroy what destroys us.

~Suicide Silence

luni, 2 februarie 2015

Silence is not that silent as we think...

Silence is the most powerful scream...

Dark heart, dark soul, dark clothes...

       One day came when I wanted to go out alone at the mall to search for band merch, when suddenly mom stopped me.

       Mom: Why are you wearing black all the time?

       Me: It makes me feel good.
       Mom: But this color is so inapropriate. Try to make a change.
       Me: No chance. I'm leaving. Bye.
       Mom: Will you ever wear another color?
       Me: Yes.
       Mom: What colour?
       Me: Depends on when a darker colour than black will be invented.
       Mom: Where did I go wrong....?
       Me: Bye. *gets out the house*

~Legends never DIE

                  ~I guess we all know what happened in 2012.
~Yes.... Mitch Lucker, the singer of Suicide Silence died.
~But, his music will remain forever, and those who really were his fans will never foget him and will keep listening to Suicide Silence songs and albums.
~He is one of the heroes of the broken one's universe and he has saved us with his music, I guess it's our turn to keep him in our hearts forever and to keep in mind his words.

~Creepy Pasta

You know...
All the monsters from all stories exist in reality.
The difference is they don't live under our bed.
They live inside our head.

~Pierce the path of life

We're not perfect,
we're drowning in
 our imperfection.

~How to survive

The first rule in the world of mortals:

~Everything's lost

When you fall down and feel useless, deeply sad and incapable
 of anything, when you've had enough of this world, which is
full of idiocy, do no forget that you will always can find
silence, rest and piece in MUSIC.

So...my favourite color is Black

I also like purple and red (like blood) too...

One of my favourite bands...

I hope you like it...

Hey my friend...

In life friends come and go...
It hurts...but we have to endure it...
One thing is sure there is one friend who will never go...
Even if you want...
Darkness is inside us and all around us...
It will never leave us...
All we can do is to take strength from it...

~Selfarm is not a joke

~I guess, some of us, the most suffering ones tried to stop their pain by cutting & other ways that include flesh.*trigger warning*
~Well, never be ashamed of a scar. 
~It means you were strong enough to keep going on your dark path and to be here now to read this.
~Don't stop here either, keep going. You're awesome.

duminică, 1 februarie 2015

~My Favourite Band

Who knows the truth...

Hey, here is Alina Black!
I hope this blog helps those who need it.
We all know "I'm fine, I'm just tired" is just a big, big  lie...
But there's a truth...
Yes we can be tired, tired of this world...
Just hold on, move on...It doesn't worth to give up.

~Jeff wants us all to sleep~

    ~It's so late, but as always I'm losing nights playing some sort of game, watching anime and reading fan fiction.....Yeah.....Who needs sleep? Nope, not me. I just hope I'm not the only one doing thist sort of staff.
    ~I wonder what Alina Black is doing at this hour....

~First of all...~

~I guess this is gonna be the first post on this site. *you don't say*
~Well, as I explained I hope there will be no conflicts. There are people who understand and some who don't. No one has to read and stay here. Be free to choose.
~Posers are not allowed to enter in this comunity.
~After all, I guess you all know the band and the song below. \m/

~Also, here will be posting only two admins. Immortal Creature*me* and Alina Black.
~We are two creepy girls who have a dark path to walk on.
~I hope you will like this thing, but if no one does we don't actually care.
~We're doing this for fun and to express ourselves.