We are different. We are stronger. We have better drawn conclusions about human being and this life. We've seen hell, because we can't reach heaven since we are fallen angels. We'll never be welcomed back up there. We have to live with hatred. We're in pain. No one can understand what is actually in our head.....what exactly is on our mind.... Some gave up, because we all know in the end we all die. Be good, be bad, stay healthy, smoke. See? No matter what you do the result is the same. All humans have death in common.
We're all trapped in this nonsense game. There's no escape just to play it. The advantage is that no matter how a good player you are, you'll die sooner or later. Death is something we have to face. No one can run from it. You have to accept it. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing. Imagine that everything can change from today to tomorrow. What if you wake up tomorrow and everything's on fire? Live every moment like is the last one, don't care about anything and think that everything sooner or later will turn to even worse.
But, until the end, we will have to go on, to live this hell we call life. We have to encounter the others who judge us, who want to tear us down. Yes, we are broken, alone and most people have a bad idea about what kind of creatures might us be. Always remember that originality always wins agains normality. What if normal people don't like us, or our visions about life and style creeps them out? If they still haven't met pain and true suffering, sooner or later they will. And they will understand how strong we are. That we are still going on. Screaming inside. Painfully living, quietly bleeding. The others may stay away from us, but that's only because they're afraid of people brave enough to express themselves.